Invermere, BC |
We provide all the support you’ll need for your trip or expedition. We’ll organize your transportation, lodging and accommodation, equipment, support staff (guides, porters, cooks, drivers etc...) and food. Or, if you prefer, we can simply provide you with route information and a suggested itinerary (you bring everything else).
Destination Scouting
New Denver, BC Bike Shop |
Team Building
You provide facilitation and strategic planning services to your customers and your company is involved in team building retreats.
Summit Lake, BC |
Whether you need temp staff to work your event or someone to help you build your sets, set up your props, or provide transportation to your event, we have experience in a number of formats ranging from TV show knock off events based on popular TV shows like Survivor, CSI, The Amazing Race, and Iron Chef to customized, one off itineraries. Typically, we'll support your existing programs - we don't provide our own sets, props, or scripts. This way we can remain independant and offer our services to a number of industry providers working in the same region.
Knuckle Basher '09 |
... You’re an adventure race team. You need an all round joe / jane to move your stuff around, meet you at the checkpoints, make sure your gear is ready to go, fix broken stuff, clean your bike, clean you, have the RV ready, whatever...
...You’ve got a big idea for the greatest outdoor adventure festival on earth. You’ve got bands. You’ve got athletes. You’ve even got plans to build that 80m ice wall that everyone said no one could build. You know people will come. Now you just need a few things like: permits, licensing, insurance, staging, speakers, sound boards, sound techs, caterers, alcohol, accommodation, festival tents, chairs, tables, security, volunteers, officials, EMS, radios, radio operators, t-shirts, A/V equipment, laser light show gear...
That’s where The Adventure Logistics Company comes in. We can take care of all the logistical details that need taking care of to make your event a success. We’ll work with you in whatever capacity you require. Call us when you need us, or let us manage all of your logistics from the initial event planning to post event tear down.